Latest News 2010 February Former Coach Pleads Not Guilty to Drug Charges

Former Coach Pleads Not Guilty to Drug Charges

Former Oklahoma State coach Sean Sutton had his attorney enter a plea of not guilty to drug-related charges on February 16, 2010. Sutton is currently in a treatment center and was unable to make the arraignment hearing. The coach was originally arrested when he picked up a shipment of painkillers under another person's name. The package contained around 40 pills of the anti-anxiety drug clonazepam and two forms of the stimulant Adderall. Sutton is being charged with four felonies: obtaining a controlled dangerous substance (oxycodone) by fraud, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (oxycodone) without a prescription, attempted possession of controlled dangerous substances (clonazepam and Adderall) and use of a communications device to facilitate a felony. 

Drug possession charges can be very difficult to deal with and resolve in court if you are unsure about how to handle this situation. If you are facing drug-related charges then you should be aware that you do have rights to protect. A criminal defense attorney will be able to help you through this difficult time so that you can begin to get your life back together.  Contact a defense lawyer today to begin discussing the details of your case and proceeding in the best way possible for your situation.

Categories: Drug Crimes
