Featured News 2013 60 Charged in Florida Gambling Scandal

60 Charged in Florida Gambling Scandal

The Lieutenant governor in Florida has officially resigned from her post as a result of the large gambling scandal that has taken over $300 million from a veterans charity. Though she herself was not charged with any particular crime, she stepped down just the day following her police questioning. According to reports, 60 other people are also facing charges for their role in the scandal that took so much from the Allied Veterans of the World organization. This organization is actually a gambling game online that people can sign up for, made up of slot machine type computer games; when a user wins the proceeds are said to go to charity. If this was the case the operation is entirely legal, as long as the funds are truly going to those in need. This however, was not the case.

According to investigators on the case, they claim that very little of the proceeds were actually being given to charity. Rather, they executives of the organization were discovered to have been lavishly spoiling themselves with new sports cars, boats, beach front homes, and the like. Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi claims that she is disheartened by this crime, as it disgraces any person in our country who has ever worn a military uniform. At this time, investigators refuse to share how the lieutenant is actually tied to this case at all. Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll shares that she was in no way associated with the scandal, but rather stepped down from her position so that no one will be distracted with the words of the scandal during Governor Rick Scott's administration.

At this time there have been 57 arrest warrants established, and as of Monday there are currently 49 of those individuals who are in custody. Another 54 search warrants were established in Florida, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. All 49 Allied Veterans parlors have been raided and shut down pending the investigation. According to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement commissioner, Gerald Bailey, even though many arrests have been made, this is only the first wave of what is to come for those they believe to be initially involved. The second wave however, will likely expose even more people involve dint he scandal as they will spend time looking closely at the money spent in different donations and lobbying for their political campaigns.

The Allied Veterans of the World has been in place for many years as it was founded in 1979 as a small organization to raise support for veterans. Initially the organization would host bake sales in order to raise money as well as bingo games. As it continued to evolve the company got larger and grew in what was believed to be an honest organization over the years. The Internal Revenue Service says exactly the opposite as they claim that the entire charity organization is a fraud and that these people involved are responsible for an illegal gambling ring that stole millions of dollars from those in need.

Police believe the mastermind behind the operation is a Jacksonville attorney, Kelly Mathis as he made about $6 million form the scheme, he was arrested during the first wave of action. While much of the money went to the executives of the company, it is also reported that it went out to for-profit organizations as well as other operated of Allied as opposed to non-profit work like they advertised. Fraud is a huge crime to be accused of and if convicted it can alter your entire future. In the event you have been arrested for an act of fraud or any other criminal charge, find a criminal defense attorney in your area for the legal help that you need!

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