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Jesse James' Ex-Wife

Mark Haushalter comments on his client who is a Paparazzo being attakced by Jesse James' ex wife.
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Your Child's Emotional Needs

Okabe and Haushalter prides itself on not just representing your child's interest in criminal court but also to ensure your child receives the emotional help they may need.
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DUI and Your Driver's License

You have 10 days from the time of your arrest to contact the DMV.
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Restraining Orders

If you have been served a restraining order it is vital that you have no further contact with the complaining witness in your case.
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Internet Crimes

Attorney Mark Hauhalter discusses your rights if you are under investigation for an internet crime.
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(702) 998-7058
600 South Tonopah Drive Suite 220
Las Vegas, NV 89106

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