St. Patrick’s Day Task Force Results in 45 DUI Arrests in OC
By The Law Office of Barney B. Gibbs
Mar. 27, 2013 10:10a
The Orange County Sheriff's Department made an announcement a few days before March 17th that there would be significant steps taken to prevent DUIs on St. Patrick's Day. A task force comprised of 38 different law enforcement agencies went on high alert on the holiday to increase the number of patrols and sobriety checkpoints with the goal of cracking down on drunk or drugged drivers throughout the communities of Orange County. The task force is part of the "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" campaign which receives funding from a grant issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Authorities wanted the word to get out in the hopes of encouraging drivers to take extra precautions to have a safe holiday. Speak with a criminal defense attorney knowledgeable in DUI charges if you were accused of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
County, city and state authorities set up several sobriety checkpoints on Sunday as well as having increased numbers of roving patrols with the purpose of arresting any drivers who appeared to be intoxicated. Checkpoints and patrols resulted in many arrests starting Friday night and going through Sunday. The OC Sheriff's Department announced that 45 drivers were arrested for suspicion of DUI on St. Patrick's Day itself. Other arrests throughout the county included those for unlicensed drivers and other alleged offenses.
Were you unfairly arrested for DUI?
Whether you were arrested for an alleged driving under the influence offense at a sobriety checkpoint or if you were stopped by a police cruiser, there are specific procedures that authorities must adhere to so that the rights of citizens are not infringed upon. Additionally, field sobriety tests have a certain amount of subjectivity involved which may not account for things such as nervousness, medical conditions or other circumstances. An improperly calibrated, poorly maintained or defective breathalyzer machine and lab mistakes could also result in someone being falsely arrested for drunk driving.
Get a skilled DUI defense lawyer on your side!
DUI charges can result in significant penalties if you are found guilty of the accusations against you. Punishment includes jail or prison time, expensive fines and more. Make sure you are not being unfairly charged by getting the help of a criminal defense lawyer that really knows their way around this area of the law. Contact The Law Offices of Barney B. Gibbs immediately after an arrest to find out what the firm may be able to do to fight the charges against you!
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