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Charged With Crimes Against Children?

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, crimes against children can include kidnapping, violent attacks, and sexual abuse. Crimes against children are taken very seriously and it is important to have an aggressive legal representative to defend you if you have been accused of any of these crimes.

Kidnapping is taking someone against their will or without proper authorization. Kidnapping is usually associated with threats and visible violence, but not necessarily. There are some cases where a parent takes a child without the permission of the other parent, but without any violent or criminal intent. In divorce cases, a bitter spouse may lie about giving permission and falsely accuse the other parent of kidnapping. If the child was taken across a state line, the FBI could become involved and your case could become much more serious. Whether you have been accused of kidnapping for the purpose of monetary gain, or if it was a child custody issue, you need an advocate who is on your side fighting for your rights.

Child abuse includes violent attacks towards a child, as well as mental, sexual, or verbal abuse. Child abuse can be charged as assault and battery if physical violence or threats of physical violence were involved. Neglect is purposefully failing to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, or care to one's children.

Sex crimes against children include: child molestation, child pornography, rape, statutory rape, sexual assault, and child grooming. It is a crime to produce, possess, or sell child pornography. Statutory rape refers to sex with a minor, even if the act was consensual. The age of consent varies from sixteen to eighteen depending on the state. No force is required to be convicted of statutory rape. Sex crimes against children can lead to years in prison and having to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. It could affect where you work and your future relationships.

Sadly, false allegations of crimes against children are frequent and a conviction of any of these crimes can ruin an individual's reputation and future. If you have been charged with kidnapping, child abuse, or a sex crime, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. They could review your case and the evidence against you while seeking to clear your name.