Law Office of Chip Siegel, Esq. Articles Prostitution / Solicitation Charges in Las Vegas

Prostitution / Solicitation Charges in Las Vegas

By Law Office of Chip Siegel  Jan. 17, 2011 8:49p

Prostitution is defined as the act of exchanging sexual concourse or favors for money or other valuables. In Las Vegas and throughout Clark County it is illegal to solicit, facilitate or participate in prostitution in any form. If a person is arrested and convicted of being involved with prostitution they can face criminal charges. Many prostitution crimes are usually charged as misdemeanor offenses with penalties of up to 6 months in jail and a $1,000 fine. Repeat offenders can face much more serious charges including prison sentencing and enormous fines that can financially cripple you for months or even years. If you have been charged with prostitution or solicitation of prostitution you may be in danger of a criminal conviction that will remain on your criminal record for the rest of your life. Contact a Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer to learn more about how you can fight to have your charges reduced or dismissed.

In many cases of prostitution there is little to no absolute evidence of prostitution, rather there is an abundance of circumstantial evidence, which was gathered by law enforcement, and intended to make it look like prostitution was taking place. These types of circumstantial evidence can include ordinary household or personally carried objects such as cash, underwear or other suggestive clothing, any list of names that can be portrayed as "clients" and even condoms. It is required that the prosecution against the defendant prove that they were, beyond a reasonable doubt, involved in prostitution. Without proving this, a person cannot be convicted of prostitution or solicitation.

Prostitution / Solicitation Lawyer in Las Vegas

If you have been charged with a crime involving prostitution, you may face harsh penalties and the embarrassment of a prostitution conviction. At the Law Office of Chip Siegel, Esq., we understand that some evidence may be purely circumstantial and will challenge all questionable evidence and testimony against you in a calculated effort to have your charges reduced or dropped entirely.

Contact a Las Vegas Prostitution Attorney at our offices today for the legal representation you need!

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