Internet Fraud

When an individual uses an online service in order to defraud others, this may constitute internet fraud. This is most often a federal offense which will involve federal investigators, agencies and prosecutors. Some examples of internet fraud include: internet auction fraud (one of the most common forms of internet fraud), credit card fraud, click fraud, SEO (search engine optimization) fraud, work at home schemes, phishing, and more. Identity theft is also commonly committed through or using the internet. Chat rooms, websites, email and message boards are all common mediums for committing fraud using the internet.

Because internet fraud is committed using the internet, or interstate "wires", a defendant may face wire fraud charges. This is a federal crime and may be harshly penalized, particularly if a bank or other financial institution was the target of the scheme. If a federally insured bank was targeted, a defendant may face up to 30 years in prison or a fine of up to $1 million, or both.

The different ways that internet fraud may be committed are virtually innumerable, particularly considering the number of financial and business transactions completed over the internet, as well as the amount of sensitive information that is transferred online. The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and Department of Justice work tirelessly to expose and prosecute instances of internet fraud. Local or state law enforcement agencies may also become involved, working with federal agents to put offenders behind bars.

Working with the Right Attorney to Challenge Internet Fraud Charges

Internet fraud charges are very serious and have the potential to be highly complicated. Technical issues may arise, and it is therefore important to work with a criminal lawyer who has connections to expert witnesses and professionals who are experienced in dealing with forensic evidence related to computers and the internet.

For help with internet fraud charges, click here to find a qualified criminal defense lawyer in your area.